All Natural Cotton

We decided that it is time in our latest creations to bite the bullet, spend some more money on the fabric itself, and actually DO something about a sustainable future of planet earth.

So, we started to plan to use organic cutton for our new batches of pieces. We started to look into finding the right supplier for the fabrics and did find some really good sources.

We checked the origin of the cotton, how it's grown and produces and we found all the documentation in perfect order.

But then we learned that we have to jump through quite some hoops be be able to kegally say in the good old US of A, that magic word "organic cotton."

These hoops were to high and too - way too - expensive for a little enterprise like ours, so we had to pass on that. So, our cotton we use is not - by American standards - certified organic, while in fact it is organic by the same standards.

We are trying to help the farmers who grow this cotton in a sustainable fashion and we are willing to pay some more money to do so, but we did not want to spend so much extra money on just a formality in the American Bureaucratic System, something that would not help increase sustainability of the growing of our cotton.

That's why we call out material 'Natural Cotton' and not certified organic cotton. Form what we found out only cotton grown in the US and Turkey (!?) could actually gain the certification - and that did not make sense to us.